Friday, August 17, 2012

Moving Toward " Normal "

We said our good byes to our Colorado buddies 
car pointed toward home.

Made two specific stops along the way 
strictly to take some photos.  
First stop 

In keeping with the bike photos on this trip :-)
Loved how this color seemed to work.

Clever....breakfast was awesome.

Loved everything about this quaint little house.

Doors :-)

I'll take it!

I'm gonna assume he was authorized......

Next stop
Silver Plume

We caught up with the train....

This little town, it was as if it were set up for photos....


 Needless to say I really loved playing with my new camera on this trip!
Moving toward home for a two day rest then we were off 
on our train trip!

Travel is what echos from my heart!


  1. Oh, my pure beauty!!!

    Did you take lessons to use your new camera? Because I got a new camera some time ago and am just scared of it!

    I don't know how you'll ever get back to normal after all that gorgeousness!!!

  2. Ummmm in awe of the pictures. Beautiful. Priceless. Sweet Pictures.

  3. Wonderful photo's. LOVE them all. You have a great
    eye for photography Debi; thanks for sharing with us!

