Change, it happens and it leaves us different than we were before it occured.
My sweet friend Jane and I were speaking about change.
What really stuck with me?
At 55 I am so different than I was at 45...
boy howdy!!
It's really something to sit and think about where you were ten years ago.
What brought that change about and what actually changed?
For some it might be a move to a new location, a new circle of friends, a divorce, a marriage, a loss, a child born, the last child has moved out, a new hobby, a new career, a faith in something bigger than yourself?
Each of those mentioned bring about change rather you want it or not.
I stopped to think, make a mental list of the last ten years....this is where consistent journaling would have come in handy :-)
I was one year in to my marriage at the start of the last ten years.
No, we weren't married in these outfits..just us a fun photo from that time :-) |
We totally gutted our home, started from the drywall out brand spanking new.
We experienced living with friends during a portion of this time
We experienced five months of living out of our garage, other than our bed that was inside the incomplete house. So much changed in me during this time...I began to see what really wasn't the house, it was who I was with....that is my home...
Please note, contractors are NEVER done when they say it will be done.
We experienced the loss of my Mother in law, who was diagnosed and died of cancer all in a months time.
I had the best 30 days staying with this incredible woman and I wouldn't have changed a moment of it.
Two years later we would lose my Father in law who no doubt is still dancing in heaven
with the love of his life
The birth of the first grand child, which equated to a overflowing heart and introduced me to the second half of my life. Only to be followed by 5 more kids through the years.
Dominic and Grampy |
Grandson Calib with his Aunt Jackie |
Grands ~ Julia and Gavin |
Grand daughter Aubrie
Our Army man, son Joseph |
Family friend and son Brian. |
The joy of my youngest son's marriage, the devastation of his unwanted divorce, and seeing him through it. His ability to take charge of his life depite this change.
The ability I found to pray for her to find future happiness.
The loss of my best friend, my one of a kind Dad whom I still miss everyday.
Dad and his grandchildren :-) |
The loss of a job I loved, due to our economy.
The birth of my Great niece Ruby Lu, born two weeks after the loss of my Dad. She brought instant joy back into many lives that weren't sure they would ever feel it again the day she was born :-)
The lesson that though one moves on we are then given a new young life to be a part of.
Ruby Lu holding her new cousin Khloe |
A broken relationship with a loved one that breaks my heart everyday that passes by, time always noted that is slipping away, time never again to be recaptured.
Faith it will be resolved in God's time....
Learning how to best help my Mom adjust to a life without my Dad, when I wasn't sure about myself...
The passing of a special friend whom I had lost contact with over the years, which has led me to reuniting with his wife, my friend, through e-mail and person!!
A new and treasured relationship with my sister I love her!
Khloe, Auntie Deanna, and Khloe's dad :-) |
Two years of brief retirement with my husband and lots of fun adventures, including many beach days!
The joy of my oldest son's marriage to his wonderful wife Katie, Mommy to the latest and greatest, Khloe.
Katie and Khloe... love this photo. |
Three of the grand kids and great niece Ruby await the arrival of Khloe....the new cousin! |
The experience of loss, births, relocation, joy, sadness, reconnecting
and a much larger family all in ten years time.
Something learned from each, and with each, something changed in me.
Finding a Church just down the road from us where we have made some incredible friendships,
with others who like us, are far from perfect, and who desire to be better.
The biggest change is the growth in our faith, a better knowledge of the infallible Word of God.
The fact that when God comes first everything, is bearable.
What I have experienced has changed me,
it couldn't help but change me.
Sometimes we just reach a point where we know we have to rely on someone much bigger than ourselves and trust that everything, everything happens for a reason.
Through it all I am more at peace with this life and that which is all around me.
What matters to me now didn't matter as much ten years ago.
Ten years ago I wasn't fully aware of all I was blessed with.
Ten years ago I wasn't aware of the major losses that were to come. I never would have guessed I could have survived them, let alone come out of it a stronger, calmer, happier person than I've ever been. We don't always understand when things change, and its often very difficult.
If I were to wish to change something in days gone by......I may have missed the dance I am now in.
(Thank you Garth Brooks)
Continually being refined day to day...
Hoping to be far better of a person ten years from now than I am today.....
Blessed beyond measure and thankful for it all.
This is what echos from my heart today .....