Need More Time ?
Then learn to say
No, a tough word for me to say in years past.
I was the one you want at your Tupperware, Candle, Jewelry party.
When asked, will you have a party in your home?
Why Yes!
As that day neared, " why did I say yes to having this party?"
It's always more than opening your home.
There will be snacks to prepare, after all if the buyers are full
they are likely to stay longer and buy more.!
The house needs to be cleaned.
Your own family displaced during the party.
The last two guests who are cozy on the couch catching up
on time that has past (since the last party).
The fact, you now are cleaning up from the festivites is not
and indicator to them it's time to call it a night.....
All you can think about is the length of time your
husband kids have been
displaced from the gathering spot of their home.
Why didn't I just say no?
How much time was spent on things I wish I'd said no to?
As I've gotten older more mature, I find I am saying no a lot
more often and with out guilt while doing so.
So many are so over committed to
things outside the home.
Are they aware of what's left behind each time they commit
to yet another thing?
Eventually it begins to have an affect on them in varying forms.
Neglecting responsibilities to their home and families.
Fatigue, lack of exercise, poor diet, lack of sleep,
malnourished relationships.
Anxiety because their always on the run, trying to keep up with
this hectic schedule they've committed to.
When the family does have time with you,
your exhausted, unorganized,
giving them what little is left in your tank.
The left over you!
At least this was becoming the case with me.
Are you missing more of the,
ever important evening meal time?
That time
where families used to come together?
Even if the meal was eaten in silence,
it was the unspoken "our" time.
Are you giving up to much time with your spouse?
The only time in the day
that there is time for each other?
Spending more of your " free " time with friends
rather than your spouse?
Of course I make time for my friends, but the balance
of that scale had to tip a little more in
favor of the person I committed to making
a life with.
I've come to a place in my life, where I realized,
it was all too much.
Trying to remember what I've committed to
and on what day.
is it that day already?
Hurrying to make another quick meal for my husband
before I head out.
Another meal he'll eat alone.
forgetting little things I was to do with my family because
of an over crowded , full to capacity memory space that
was storing all the other commitments!
My days turned into nights too quickly,
tomorrows came in a flash.
A planned family function,
yet forgetting to prepare
for it until the night prior....
At which point I would then become
frazzled and rushed!
It's when it occurred to me! |
It's passing me by,
I'm not enjoying the moments.
something I feel I have too little of
with each year that passes.
I want to slow it down, I want to treasure it.
I want to give it the value it has deserved all along.
I want to make it count.
I have friends and I want them
to know, that they matter to me.
That I have time for them!
I want time with my kids and my grand kids.
Special time, not having to go and do.
Just time.
I want my marriage full, time spent unhurried.
Enjoying our meals together, watching a movie,
playing cards, working on
household projects.
That precious time when everything else
has to stop and it becomes our time.
Our Time.
Reading in a room across from each other,
occasionally sharing what's read.
words are not required for it to be,
our time
Time, lived, well.
Not giving more of myself to everyone else,
all of it, time I could have spent with my family.
Serving God and others still,
but with a greater balance.
Too recommit to being the
Wife and Mother God intended me to be.
A calender with more days,
As a woman with less commitments,
I'm realizing at a much greater level how much I enjoy
my time with
my family and friends.
Time I never realized just how much I missed.
Not hurried time, time well spent.
I think of ~
Time I have missed and will never get back.....
I doubt that when the day comes that I'm nearing my life's end,
that I will wish I had committed to more time away
those I love the most.
Less commitment has changed so much of my life.
living it more how it was to be lived all along.
After making this change in my life in regard to my time,
I happen to read the latest book by author Mitch Albom,
The Time Keeper....
.good little read with some good little points to ponder.
Affirmation that I have made a wise decision
as to how I spend the time in my life.
Time, how will you spend yours?
Unhurried time, is what echos from my heart today.....