Friday, July 29, 2011

So How Has Your Week Been?

Not gonna lie....spent my week with or thinking about being with Khloe......

Khloe with her Great Grandma :-)

 Khloe is one week old.....and she is what echos from my heart today........


  1. Oh my goodness gracious, Debi! How sweet and precious is Khloe! Those little arms, and her hands! Love, love all over. Thank you so much for sharing this little darlin' with us.


  2. She is beautiful. I can see why you can't get enough of her!

  3. How could you possibly think of anything else? The most precious little sweetheart. Love seeing every sing picture. Enjoy! Wait till she learns what a special grandma she has:)

  4. Congratulations, it is such a joy being a grandma... I just LOVE it. oxox, Diane

  5. She sure is a beautiful baby. She glows with little girl prettiness. :)
