Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday Minute ~ But God !

Shouting it from the roof tops,
Joseph is off the ventilator, breathing on his own,
feeding tube removed, talking, recognizing people, eating...
Can you imagine the joy and excitement after weeks of worry, after 100's of posts
requesting prayers for our Joseph...trying daily to find more ways to spread the word 
for the need of prayer....updating these same people a couple times a day.
It's what I've been living and breathing....

I met this young man at age 12, he was calling me Smom before I knew it.
So imagine the excitement in his fathers voice to share this news with me after
weeks of not knowing what we would be facing.

A Father who couldn't wait to share it with his wife, the smom..the joy was just not measurable.
I'm sure anyone with a child gets that!
Sunday Bob called me and said someone wants to talk to you :-)
Heck yes! 

Praising God, for the countless miracles that have taken place, some we may not even 
be aware of...
thankful for phones that allow us to see each other,  specifically the people we love!!
Thankful for the countless number of friends and family that have been faithfully praying.

Please continue to pray....
This time in our life is about Joseph and we hope you will see it through with us.
Excited to see what God has in store for him and his little family.

At times we weren't sure, at times Dr.'s didn't leave an impression of being optimistic...
but God!

Happiness nothing can take away from it,'s what echos from my heart today!!


  1. PRAISE GOD!! I was soo excited when I came on here this morning and saw that you had posted as I had been wondering what happened on Friday! Our God is soo good! How relieved you all must be! Will continue to pray for a speed and full recovery! YAY!!!

  2. Our technology is simply amazing!!! And our prayers haven't hurt either! (wink) So amazing to attempt to fathom the emotions your family has been going through these past 25+ days. The roller coaster of emotions ... I simply cannot fathom. But we stand by you and support you and love you and continue to pray for you... for all aspects of this entire story. We're here with you. We love you and the entire Horton family!!! ::: hugs :::

  3. So, so wonderful! God is good! Praise him, and thank the doctors.
    I'm very happy to hear this, Debi, and will continue to pray!

  4. Celebrating with you!!! God is so good!

  5. Debi
    I am singing Praise the Lord right now!
    I'm so happy for this turn out and I will
    continue to pray for Joseph, of course.
