Friday, January 1, 2016

Renewal ~

First, a few remnants of Christmas...

Gift the girls made for Mommy and Daddy

Proud of the Happy Birthday Jesus cake they made.

Such fun watching the kids and spending the day with extended family!

Happy New Year!

Just can't believe we are in 2016 already, it seems not that long ago
we were waiting to see what 2000 would bring!

It's that time of year many set or reset goals, make resolutions, and a very popular
one, join a gym!

Do you all find your days become very routine?
After many days of  life with routine, we sometimes stop noticing all that
 God has put before us that will bring us joy. 
 Be it a  beautiful sunset, vibrant landscapes or
for me, the peace the beautiful Pacific ocean provides.
We get caught up in life sometimes and we begin to miss all the gifts provided us.
Some routines are healthy, such as exercise, healthy diets etc... 
Time spent with God for example will always remain part of my routine.
Without it, life is so void of true contentment.
For me that desire for contentment is something I know only God can truly satisfy in me.
Bottom line, I am limiting the "routine" stuff as much as possible...

Though it once was,
 it's not the money to be made, the bigger house, its not possessions period.
I guess because I've tried living both ways I can say, living a life that is God centered,
 fulfills my hearts true desires and it's where I find myself content.

We all find ourselves in tough circumstances,
but in the midst of those circumstances we don't need to lose sight
 of all the good God has for us.
If we lose sight of that, we likely lose sight of joy.

There is always something we can find joy in.
For me it's a grandchild's sweet face, or one of our kids stopping by...
For me it's being surrounded by a blue sky and lots of trees.
They all remain, regardless of my circumstance.

My hope is to shake up this new year and purpose to make each
day different than the last. Challenging myself to do so!

Looking forward to what the new year holds.
I plan to enter into it refreshed, and ready for renewal to take place!
Every year I have a word for the hasn't come to me just yet, 
and like every year, I anxiously wait for it to become clear.

May you each enter in to the New Year with a sense of renewal and refreshment!
Look for the joy, it's there!
It's what echos from my heart today.....


  1. Your words are always so welcome, Debi. You seem to know what we need to hear, and I thank you for that.

    Those little ones are so, so cute. :)

  2. We all need to be 'renewed'...thanks for your encouraging words. I loved seeing your family Christmas photos! Happy New Year!

  3. Your family photos are so beautiful! The smiles on the faces, blessed my heart this morning, as did the thoughts you shared from your heart, at the beginning of this new year. Thank you!
