Thursday, October 25, 2012

Some Many Types of Taters!

What I say is that, if a fellow really likes potatoes,
he must be a pretty decent sort of fellow.
A.A. Mine, author of Winne-the-Pooh

Yep, I love potatoes.  
Growing up potatoes of some form graced
our dinner table every daily.
Boiled, baked, mashed, fried, scalloped,
no matter the form there were never enough.

I'm the gal that would go out to dinner and just order mashed potatoes and gravy
and it was thanksgiving in my mind.
 Totally satisfied.
Come to think of it, 
Thanksgiving I only add the other stuff because it's what the meal requires of us.
I really only want the mashed potatoes....
maybe a nice hot roll with too much butter on the side.

What I don't like about potatoes is they are dirty.
I'd prefer they were grown on trees and not in the soil.
I don't care for the scrubbing or the peeling, cutting out the occasional eye.
I just want them when they become clean, white and new!

Got me thinking.
 I, like the potato.....was at one time a root.
As I grew in the dirty soil that was a part of who I was. 
Eventually some eyes began to form here and there.

Jesus took me as I was.
Dirty with such promise.
Beautiful in his eyes!
He cleaned me of the dirt, he pluck out some eyes, peeled away layers of things that are no longer a part of me.
He has taken me and whipped me into a beautiful white fluffy tater he calls His Own.
He continues to refine me through my circumstances.
Bring good from my bad,
 clean me up, peel away layers,

Daily whipped to be new again.
Somewhat like the daily dinner table of my youth.

A more than decent sort of fellow is my God....this is what echos from my heart today.


  1. I love that! Great analogy ......and what s great God we serve! Now I'm hungry for potatoes!

  2. It always refreshes my heart when I wonder back here to see what it is that echos from your heart, and I am so thankful I did tonight. I too am a potato girl and those mashed potatoes bring a smile to my face every time I am fortunate enough to eat them. Your analogy is simple and yet profound. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Yes, wonderful analogy! We are blessed to have such a graciuos and loving God who loves us in spite of our many flaws. Thank you, Lord! And a very true and helpful post, Debi.

  4. A clever analogy. He certainly has done all you said and much more...what a mighty God we serve!

  5. Good thoughts...echoing from your heart today. His mercies are new every morning...and for that I am so thankful!
