Friday, November 11, 2011

More onToo Much Buzyness ....

So I had a thought.
Are we really living life?
we living it fully?

People are so busy all the time.
It seems everyone is overloaded
with busyness.

The busy super Mom's.
The busy super Dad's.
The busy kids with their studies, sports and other activities.
It seems to me everyone is overload, exhausted !

Maybe we need to stop and take a good look, and honest look
at our too busy schedules.
It seems by the end of a day
the end of a week we become overwhelmed.
Overwhelmed at what didn't happen.
Overwhelmed at what fell through the cracks.

Does this sound like living fully to you!
Have you jumped on the hamster wheel and now unsure how to make it stop!

Buzyness became a big issue for thought.
Trying to schedule get togethers with friends for meaningful conversation.
For a nice lunch or dinner.
Meet for coffee and catch up....sorry no time....

It seems in the scheduling or should I say in the attempt...
it more times than not starts with how about Monday...
no that doesn't work for me how about Tuesday....
nope I'm booked that day...
Before I know it we are in to next week or next month.

It just seems like we are missing so much...
 while doing so too much.

Don't get me wrong busy isn't always bad, each of us have responsiblities.
Providing for our families, serving in our community and or church.
It seems we maybe need to look at making sure what we are doing isn't causing
us to miss the important things.

Overcommitment can damage relationships with our families, friends and God.
People around you can and likely are affected by what can appear to be a
lack of's up to each
of us to pursue the relationships in our lives and nourish them.

Met up with my friend Rene after close to twenty years !

The person controlling our busy schedules is,
Busyness doesn't necessarily equal more productive.....

Maybe we need to slow the pace....
For me it's about seeking direction from God.
It may be worth your efforts to consider changing up your schedules.
Imagine the frenzy of all your buzyness beingless frenzied....
the joy of relationships re established or made stronger.....

You may be relieved to be off the hamster wheel
at last, begin to live and love more fully.

It's just a thought......
is what echos from my heart today......


  1. Hi Debi, I found you through another blog and had to comment on this beautifully written post. It is so true, most of us our so busy we miss what God is telling us in his whisper. I browsed your previous posts and can't wait to read more. Patty

  2. Debi, Your post is so true! It is especially true as we enter this holiday season!

  3. Such a good curb the busyness and enjoy the moment! Thanks.
